- Lobo, ¿Por qué tienes esa frente tan sudada, los ojos tan salidos y esos dientes tan apretados?

- Coño Caperucita, déjame cagar

22 de diciembre de 2009

Bobby McFerrin - Blackbird


21 de diciembre de 2009

Some Velvet Morning - Primal Scream


20 de diciembre de 2009

Apple Corps Rooftop Concert - The Beatles. ( Último Concierto )

"Get Back" and "Don't Let Me Down"

"I've Got a Feeling" and "One After 909"

"Dig a Pony" and "Get Back" ( es la segunda vez que la tocan, porque esta vez se la tocan a los policias, para que se vallan).

The Beatles' celebrated rooftop show. An idea conceived during a meeting on 26 January, it was the first of two consecutive Beatles/Billy Preston performances which concluded the Get Back project, for on 31 January they ran through numbers inside the basement studio.This day's work has passed into history as the Beatles' last live performance, even if it couldn't be classified as a concert. The 42-minute show (about half of which comprises the sensational close to the Let It Be film) was a lunchtime blast into the cold wind - imagine a high London rooftop in January - that brought part of the capital to a standstill, until the police, in turn, brought the show to an enforced conclusion.Much was commercially used from the 42 minutes on the roof, in the Let It Be film and on the Get Back (unissued) and Let It Be albums. What follows is a detailed description of the full rooftop repertoire, as preserved on EMI's eight-track tapes, with a guide to how it was made available.


19 de diciembre de 2009

Flatulence Joy

funny graphs and charts

(click en la imágen para verla completa)

Fail-Fail-Fail-Fail-Fail - F-A-I-L.

epic fail pictures

( Click en la imágen para verla completa, sino, no se entiende un joraca )


Diuuuuu ! !

Los mal pensados lo sacan de una. Para los normales, hay que pensar un poquito más.

14 de diciembre de 2009

Don't Judge Too Quickly


9 de diciembre de 2009

My Precious


Frases Célebres del día a día

Pato Quast: "...es que no me lavo el culo".

Julio Bernaldo: "... me gusta la batata"

Primeras dos fraces celebres del blog. Estas nos dejan con muchas preguntas. Las dos se dieron el día de hoy: 9/12/09.

8 de diciembre de 2009

2 de diciembre de 2009

Who wants Chowder?


Uso de una regla flexible

funny graphs and charts
(click en la imagen para verla completa)

Obama V.S. Bob the Builder

funny graphs and charts
(click en la imagen para verla completa)

Vaca-Ciones SON!



bill kaulitz totally looks like troll doll
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